Module 6: Teen Dating Abuse

Your Instructor


About Us

The California Partnership to End Domestic Violence (the Partnership) is California’s recognized domestic violence coalition, representing over 1,000 advocates, organizations and allied groups. With offices in Sacramento, the Partnership’s diverse membership spans the entire state. Through our public policy, communications and capacity-building efforts, we align prevention and intervention strategies to advance social change.

The Partnership believes that by sharing expertise, advocates and policy-makers can end domestic violence. Working at the state and national levels for nearly 40 years, the Partnership has a long track record of successfully passing over 200 pieces of legislation addressing domestic violence. Every day we inspire, inform and connect all those concerned with this issue, because together we’re stronger.

Our Vision

A California free from domestic violence.

Our Mission

The California Partnership to End Domestic Violence promotes the collective voice of a diverse coalition of organizations and individuals, working to eliminate all forms of domestic violence. As an advocate for social change, we advance our mission by shaping public policy, increasing community awareness, and strengthening our members’ capacity to work toward our common goal of advancing the safety and healing of victims, survivors and their families.

Get started now!